Collective Group names for Safari / African animals and many more species....
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Safari Park near Hermanus -
Hermanus literally is an adventure-playground and offers you loads of amazing activities to keep you very entertained and busy. Many visitors to South Africa wish to see African Safari animals roaming free, so thankfully only 2 and half hours drive from Hermanus / Cape Town there is an excellent Safari park, which offers 3 to 4 hour game drives in open sided Land Rover Jeeps with professional Safari Game Rangers; while also operating some incredible conservation initiatives too. (Day trips or over-night visits are available.) Set in the remote Karoo is a large 10,000 hectare gorgeous Safari park with over 1,400 African animals doing what nature intended – while also being remote enough to be miles away from any horrid human constructions like buildings, telephone poles, roads/traffic and street you really are truly out-in-the-middle of nowhere – perfect for a Safari park Rhinos are being slaughtered for their horns at a horrendously outrageous rate and what this park started (and is now being adopted by many other Safari parks across South Africa) is a way of hopefully deterring poachers, by injecting their Rhino horns with a coloured dye, a poison to humans and an x-ray detectable solution, all of which are totally harmless to the Rhinos. Their Rhinos have now had this important treatment. 2 saved baby rhinos are also at this park. With only 800 wild Cheetahs left roaming free in South Africa, their gene pool has been substantially weakened, with the result that sometimes babies are born deformed and unable to survive in the wild. However what this park has been fantastically operating since 2001 is a marvelous breeding program to strengthen the gene pool; while also re-training the parks Cheetahs to chase and hunt for themselves too - with 2 Cheetahs being released into the main reserve recently. Other Cheetahs are tame “ambassadors” and interactions with you and these fantastic creatures are also available. This park has recently re-introduced Elephants, which is the first time in 150 years that these iconic African creatures have been allowed to roam free in the Karoo. Once these 2 males have settled into their new homes, then female elephants will be introduced to the park soon. Other African animals that can also be viewed at the park are – Lions, Hippo, Giraffe, Cape Buffalo, Eland, Kudu, Springbok, blue & black Wildebeest, Zebra, Steenbok, Bontebok, Duiker, Nyala, Ostrich, Lechwe, Oryx (Gemsbok), Impala, Rhebok, Blesbok and many more species….. This Safari park is most certainly worth a visit, not only to see splendid African animals roam free but to also witness the utterly excellent conservation work that they are doing too. For those of you that wish to see African animals but are on a very tight time-agenda, then there is a Cheetah park and an African Eagle / Owl sanctuary located between Hermanus and Cape Town, only 45mins away. |
Animal Group Name - (relevant South African creatures are in bold)
Aardvarks - Army Albatross - Rookery Alligators - Congregation Apes - Shrewdness, Troop Antelope - Herd Ants - Colony, Army, Swarm, Nest Asses - Pace, Herd, Drove Auks - Colony, Flock, Raft Baboons - Troop, Flange Bacteria - Culture Badgers - Cete, Colony, Set, Company Barracudas - Battery Bats - Colony, Cloud Bat eared Foxes - Skulk, Leash Bass - Shoal Bears (General) - Sloth, Sleuth Bears (Cubs) - Litter Beavers - Colony, Family Bees - Grist, Hive, Swarm, Nest Birds (Chicks) - Brood, Clutch Birds (Flight) - Flight Birds (Game) - Volary, Brace, Plump, Knob Birds (Ground) - Flock, Dissimulation Birds (Sea) - Wreck Bison - Herd Bitterns -Sedge, Seige Bloodhounds - Sute Bobolinks - Chain Buffalo (Cape) - Herd, Troop, Gang, Obstinacy Bullfinches - Bellowing Bullocks - Drove Butterflies - Flight, Flutter, Kaleidoscope Buzzards - Wake Camels - Caravan, Train, Flock Capons - Mews Caracals - Chain Caribou - Herd Caterpillars - Army Cats (General) - Clowder, Clutter, Pounce, Dout, Nuisance, Glorying, Glare Cats (Kittens) - Kindle, Litter, Intrigue Cats (Wild) - Destruction Cattle - Drove, Herd, Team Cheetahs - Coalition Chickens (General) - Brood, Peep Chickens (Chicks) - Clutch, Chattering Chimpanzees - Cartload Chinchilla - Colony Choughs - Clattering Clams - Bed Cobras - Quiver Cockroaches - Intrusion Cod - Lap Coots - Cover, Raft Cormorants - Gulp Cows - Kine Coyotes - Band Crabs - Cast, Consortium Cranes - Sedge, Seige Crocodiles - Bask, Float Crows - Murder, Horde, Parcel, Storytelling Curlews - Herd Deer (General) - Herd, Leash, Gang Deer (Buck) - Brace, Clash Deer (Roe) - Bevy Dogs (General) - Kennel Dogs (Curs) - Cowardice Dogs (Hounds) - Cry, Mute, Pack Dogs (Puppies) - Litter Dogs (Wild) - Pack Dolphins - Pod Donkeys - Drove, Pace, Herd Dotterel - Trip Doves (General) - Dule, Bevy, Cote, Dole, Paddling Doves (Turtle) - Pitying, Piteousness Dragonflies - Cluster, Flight Ducks (Flight) - Flock Ducks (Ground) - Brace, badling Ducks (Water) - Raft, Team, Paddling Dugongs - Herd Dunlins - Fling Eagles - Convocation, Aerie Eels - Swarm, Bed, Fry Elephants - Herd, Memory, Trumpet, Parade Elk - Gang, Herd Emus - Mob Falcons - Cast Ferrets - Business, Cast, Fesnying Finches - Charm Fish (General) - Draft, Nest, Shoal, School ("school" is possibly a corruption of shoal) Fish (Caught) - Catch, Drought, Haul Flamingoes - Stand, Flamboyance Flies - Business, Swarm, Cloud Frogs - Army, Colony, Knot, Chorus Fox - Leash, Skulk, Earth, Lead, Troop Geese (General) - Flock Geese (Flight) - Skein Geese (Ground) - Gaggle, Herd, Corps Giraffes - Tower (standing still), Journey (on the move) Gnats - Cloud, Horde, Swarm Gnus - Implausibility Goats - Tribe, Trip, Drove, Herd, Flock Goldfinches - Charm Goldfish - Glint, Troubling Gorillas - Band, Troop Goshawks - Flight Grasshoppers - Cloud Greyhounds - Leash Grouse - Pack, Covey Guillemots - Bazaar Gulls - Colony, Screech Guinea Fowl - Confusion Hawks (General) - Cast Hawks (Flight) - Kettle Hawks (Spiraling) - Boil Hedgehogs - Array Herons - Sedge, Siege, Hedge Herring - Army, Shoal Hippopotamuses - Bloat Honey Badgers - Colony Hornets - Nest, Bike Horses (General) - Team, Harras, Stable, Troop, Stud (a group belonging to one owner) Horses (Colts) - Rag, Rake Horses (Ponies) - String Horses (Wild) - Herd Hummingbirds - Charm Hyenas - Cackle, Clan Iguanas - Mess Impalas - Herd Insects - Horde, Nest, Swarm, Rabble, Plague Jaguars - Prowl, Shadow Jays - Party, Scold, Band Jellyfish - Smack, Brood Kangaroos - Troop, Mob, Herd Lapwings - Deceit Larks - Exaltation, Ascension Lemurs - Conspiracy Leopards - Leap Lions - Pride, Sault, Troop Lizards - Lounge Llamas - Herd Locusts - Plague Magpies - Tiding, Gulp, Murder, Charm Mallards (General) - Brace Mallards (Flight) - Sord Martens- Richness Mice - Mischief Moles - Labor, Company, Movement Mongooses - Business Monkeys - Troop, Barrel, Carload, Cartload, Tribe Mosquitoes - Scourge, Swarm Mules - Pack, Span, Barren, Rake Nightingales - Watch Octopus - Consortium Otters - Romp, Bevy, Family, Raft Owls - Parliament, Stare Oxen - Team, Yoke, Drove Oysters - Bed Pandas - Bamboo, Embarrassment Parrots - Company, Pandemonium Partridge - Covey, Bew Peacocks - Muster, Ostentation, Pride Pelicans - Pod Penguins (General) - Colony, Rookery, Huddle, Waddle, Convert Penguins (Nursery) - Crèche Pheasants (Take-Off) - Bouquet Pigeons - Flight, Flock, Kit Pigs (General) - Drift, Drove Pigs (Boars) - Singular, Sounder Pigs (Hogs) -Team, Passel, Drift, Parcel Pigs (Piglets) - Litter, Farrow Pigs (Swine) - Sounder Pilchards - Shoal Plovers (General) - Congregation Plovers (Flight) - Wing Porcupines - Prickle Porpoises - Herd, Pod, School, Crowd, Shoal Quail - Bevy, Covey Rabbits (General) - Colony, Warren, Bury, Trace, Trip Rabbits (Domestic) - Herd Rabbits (Hares) - Down, Husk Rabbits (Jackrabbit) - Husk Rabbits (Young) - Litter, Nest Raccoons - Gaze Rats - Colony, Pack, Plague, Swarm Rattlesnakes - Rhumba Ravens - Unkindness, Storytelling Reindeer - Herd Rhinoceroses - Crash, Stubbornness Roebucks - Bevy Robins - Round Rooks - Building, Clamor, Parliament Salamandars - Congress Salmon - Run Sandpipers - Fling Sardines - Family Scorpions - Bed, Nest Seabirds - Wreck Seals - Pod, Bob, Harem, Herd, Rookery Servals - Sluthe Sharks - Shiver, School, Shoal Sheep - Drove, Flock, Down, Hurtle, Fold, Pack, Trip Skunks - Stench Sloths - Bed, Snuggle Snails - Escargatoire, Rout, Walk Snakes - Den, Nest, Pit, Bed, Knot Sparrows - Host Spiders - Cluster, Clutter Springbok - Herd Squirrels - Dray, Scurry Starlings - Murmuration, Chattering Stingrays - Fever Stoats - Pack, Trip Storks - Mustering, Muster Swallows - Flight, Gulp Swans (General) - Bevy, Bank, Herd Swans (Flight) - Wedge, Flight Swifts - Flock Termites - Colony, Nest, Swarm, Brood Thrush - Mutation Tigers - Streak, Ambush Toads - Knot, Knab, Nest Trout - Hover Turkeys - Rafter, Gang, Posse Turtles - Bale, Nest, Turn, Dole Turtle Doves - Pitying, Dule Vipers - Generation, Nest Vultures - Venue, Committee Vultures (Circling overhead) - Kettle Walruses - Herd, Pod Warthogs - Sounder Wasps - Nest, Swarm Waterfowl - Knob, Plump Wild Dogs - Pack Wild Dogs Pups - Litter Whales - Pod, Gam, Herd, School, Mod Wildebeast - Confusion Wildfowl - Plump Zebras - Zeal, Crossing, Dazzle, Cohorts, Herd |
And a few more, just in case we missed them - 😃
1. An armoury of aardvarks
2. A colony of ants
3. A shrewdness of apes
4. A troop of baboons
5. A cloud of bats
6. A skulk or leash of bat-eared foxes
7. A sloth of bears
8. A hive of bees
9. A herd or obstinacy of buffaloes
10. A kaleidoscope of butterflies
11. A caravan of camels
12. A chain of caracals
13. An army of caterpillars
14. A glaring of cats
15. A coalition of cheetahs
16. A cartload of chimpanzees
17. A quiver of cobras
18. An intrusion of cockroaches
19. A consortium of crabs
20. A bask or float of crocodiles
21. A murder of crows
22. A pod of dolphins
23. A cluster or flight of dragonflies
24. A paddling of ducks
25. A herd of dugongs
26. A convocation of eagles
27. A herd, memory or parade of elephants
28. A school of fish
29. A flamboyance of flamingoes
30. A chorus or army of frogs
31. A gaggle of geese
32. A journey of giraffes (on the move)
33. A tower of giraffes (standing still)
34. A charm of goldfinches
35. A band of gorillas
36. A cloud of grasshoppers
37. A confusion of guinea fowl
38. An array of hedgehogs
39. A bloat of hippos
40. A colony of honey badgers
41. A charm of hummingbirds
42. A clan or cackle of hyenas
43. A mess of iguanas
44. A prowl or shadow of jaguars
45. A smack or brood of jellyfish
46. 47. A conspiracy of lemurs
47. A leap of leopards
48. A pride of lions
49. A lounge of lizards
50. A herd of llamas
51. A plague of locusts
52. A labour of moles
53. A business of mongooses
54. A swarm or scourge of mosquitoes
55. A consortium of octopus
56. A parliament of owls
57. A bamboo or embarrassment of pandas
58. A pandemonium of parrots
59. An ostentation of peacocks
60. A waddle or convent of penguins
61. A prickle of porcupines
62. A rhumba of rattlesnakes
63. An unkindness of ravens
64. A crash of rhinoceroses
65. A round of robins
66. A bed of scorpions
67. A sluthe of servals
68. A shiver of sharks
69. A stench of skunks
70. A bed or snuggle of sloths
71. A knot of snakes
72. A clutter of spiders
73. A scurry of squirrels
74. A murmuration of starlings
75. A fever of stingrays
76. A streak or ambush of tigers
77. A knot of toads
78. A bale of turtles
79. A posse of vicuñas
80. A venue or committee of vultures
81. A kettle of vultures (when flying overhead)
82. A boil of vultures (when coming down to land)
83. A sounder of warthogs
84. A pack of wild dogs
85. A litter of wild dog pups
86. A confusion of wildebeest
87. A dazzle of zebras
If you have any grouping names that we have missed, please send us your comments and ideas - many thanks 😃
1. An armoury of aardvarks
2. A colony of ants
3. A shrewdness of apes
4. A troop of baboons
5. A cloud of bats
6. A skulk or leash of bat-eared foxes
7. A sloth of bears
8. A hive of bees
9. A herd or obstinacy of buffaloes
10. A kaleidoscope of butterflies
11. A caravan of camels
12. A chain of caracals
13. An army of caterpillars
14. A glaring of cats
15. A coalition of cheetahs
16. A cartload of chimpanzees
17. A quiver of cobras
18. An intrusion of cockroaches
19. A consortium of crabs
20. A bask or float of crocodiles
21. A murder of crows
22. A pod of dolphins
23. A cluster or flight of dragonflies
24. A paddling of ducks
25. A herd of dugongs
26. A convocation of eagles
27. A herd, memory or parade of elephants
28. A school of fish
29. A flamboyance of flamingoes
30. A chorus or army of frogs
31. A gaggle of geese
32. A journey of giraffes (on the move)
33. A tower of giraffes (standing still)
34. A charm of goldfinches
35. A band of gorillas
36. A cloud of grasshoppers
37. A confusion of guinea fowl
38. An array of hedgehogs
39. A bloat of hippos
40. A colony of honey badgers
41. A charm of hummingbirds
42. A clan or cackle of hyenas
43. A mess of iguanas
44. A prowl or shadow of jaguars
45. A smack or brood of jellyfish
46. 47. A conspiracy of lemurs
47. A leap of leopards
48. A pride of lions
49. A lounge of lizards
50. A herd of llamas
51. A plague of locusts
52. A labour of moles
53. A business of mongooses
54. A swarm or scourge of mosquitoes
55. A consortium of octopus
56. A parliament of owls
57. A bamboo or embarrassment of pandas
58. A pandemonium of parrots
59. An ostentation of peacocks
60. A waddle or convent of penguins
61. A prickle of porcupines
62. A rhumba of rattlesnakes
63. An unkindness of ravens
64. A crash of rhinoceroses
65. A round of robins
66. A bed of scorpions
67. A sluthe of servals
68. A shiver of sharks
69. A stench of skunks
70. A bed or snuggle of sloths
71. A knot of snakes
72. A clutter of spiders
73. A scurry of squirrels
74. A murmuration of starlings
75. A fever of stingrays
76. A streak or ambush of tigers
77. A knot of toads
78. A bale of turtles
79. A posse of vicuñas
80. A venue or committee of vultures
81. A kettle of vultures (when flying overhead)
82. A boil of vultures (when coming down to land)
83. A sounder of warthogs
84. A pack of wild dogs
85. A litter of wild dog pups
86. A confusion of wildebeest
87. A dazzle of zebras
If you have any grouping names that we have missed, please send us your comments and ideas - many thanks 😃
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